Hawaii Belle Hibiscus
Location: Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii

This hibiscus variety is called Hawaii Belle. It grew slowly for about a year after we planted it in our garden, but now that it is established, it produces a steady supply of ruffled red blossoms with ivory accents.
This is a gorgeous image of the Hibiscus!
Great Ruby Tuesday post.
Very pretty.
Beautiful red hibicus species you've captured. Happy Ruby Tuesday!!!
It almost looks like ruffled, crepe paper! Absolutely delightful!
That's a stunning Hibiscus! I've often thought of planting Hibiscus, but I thought I'd be kind to the poor little potted plant and leave it for someone else to bring home. I love to look at them, but I sure don't have a green thumb!
Lovely photo. Love how the flower is sharp, the background blurred, but one leaf is crisp. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Oh what a beautiful hibiscus. I love the ruffles and the white streaking...
This bloom looks as if it is bungee jumping out of the plant. Looks to be in motion even if sitting still...
Beautiful! I really think that sums it up.
Wow, what a stunning picture!!
Beautiful fresh leaves, makes me want to touch it!
Beautiful color for a rainy day..
Beautiful shot of the hibiscus and perfect for Ruby Tuesday!
A great photo of a stunningly beautiful flower. Thanks for sharing it with us.
See my post here, and/or my whole blog I Was Born2Cree8.
I love Ralph's comment! The flower does seem to be in motions
lovely photo!
One beauty of an hibiscus! Very different from the traditional hibiscus. Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)
R they colors more beautiful than the ones found in nature.
Well, I can see why she's called a Belle - beautiful flower.
Thats just beautiful Bobbie Good Ruby Tuesday to you!
Thanks to all my Ruby Tuesday friends for visiting. I appreciate your comments.
@ Ralph -- Now, thanks to you, I will always imagine the Hawaii Belles bungee jumping whenever I look at them in the garden. :-}
Hi Bobbie, your hibiscus is sooooo pretty. We grow them here too.
Thank you for peeking in on my baby quilts. This is a nice project for us.
Oh yes, I was expecting a sea creature but I suppose there aren't too many red amongst the blue. :-)
Beautiful flower! Thanks for sharing.
Now, THAT screams Hawaii. Thanks for visiting my blog and for you kind comments!
This is gorgeous. I lived surrounded by Hibiscus daily and this is the first one I have seen like this.
Thanks for stopping by my lightning shots. I had always wanted to try, so we played with shutter speed and the timer and finally figured it out.
Beautiful shot of a beautiful flower! I love the ruffly edges.
what a beautiful blossom! thank you for sharing
Thanks to everyone for visiting and for your comments. Lots of Ruby Tuesday visitors this week!
@ Jim - The sea creature photos are in my other blog, The Right Blue. ;-}
Beautiful photo of a red hibiscus ~ Happy belated Ruby Tuesday.
I also like the ruffled look, as others said.
(You guys just beat us last night in the first game of the Little League World Series)
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