Red-billed Gull (Chroicocephalus scopulinus)
Location: Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand
The weekly Ruby Tuesday photo meme features photos of red things. But last week the meme's founder and host, Mary, suggested that this week the participants all post photos that have just a little red in them.
My choice for this week's "little bit of red" Ruby Tuesday is this Red-billed Gull (Chroicocephalus scopulinus). Although its common name is the Red-billed Gull, please note that he has red feet, too!
The Red-billed Gull is native to New Zealand, where it is called 'Tarapunga' in the Māori language. I photographed this one last December while I was traveling in New Zealand. The photo was taken at Macandrew Bay, on the Otago Peninsula, which is located outside Dunedin on New Zealand's South Island. The gull had stationed itself on a picnic table, apparently hoping for a handout.
WOW! Interesting bird! Gotta love the red legs:) Posted mine HERE. Happy RT!~
I love the red bill. Beautiful bird!
I love your RT shot! Nice looking bird.
Red bill and legs - that's awesome!They sure offset his beautiful white feathers.
Good choice for RT. Great red legs.
Beautiful photo! Your bird photos are all so wonderful. I loved the finches down below too.
A seagull with red legs ? I have never seen such. I love seagulls although they are sometimes quite annoying !
Beautiful one!!! Definitely posing for a shot from you :)
Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Dear Bobbie,
This is what I like about Ruby Tuesdays.
Always learning something new, from people with a creative eye and lens.
Your red seagull from New Zealand is unique.
I have had a weak spot for gulls since reading about Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Living by the shore, we see a lot of them.
From Felisol
Great shot, with a little bit of red. Have a great Ruby Tuesday.
superb capture!
Nice shot from your travels. Thanks for being informative on the picture. Excellent!
What a striking bird! Great choice for today's RT.
I've seen lots of Gulls, but never one with a red bill and feet. Wonderful selection.
Happy RT.
Thanks for introducing us to the this red-legged gull. He looks like he is in a nice setting, too. Great photo!
That photo made me smile, and I don't know why :O) Lovely shot.
What a pretty bird!!Nice shot!
What a lovely photo and a great splash of red. Fabulous!!
nice capture!!!elegant bird with red bill and legs..
Fabulous photo! Gota love those red legs!!
Love the touches of red in this gull!
You get such good pictures !! I'm jealous! :)
Odd looking bird... but a great catch as always.
No idea if the mushroom is edible or not. My guess is that it's not... I didn't try it in any case.
Cool bird. It has just enough red in it to make it pop. :-)
Lovely, lovely capture.
The Ice Box – Ruby Tuesday
Great choice, congratulations on post. I thank you for sharing.
hugs, Denise
Beautiful bird, great shot ! Thanks for stopping by !
The red bill against the white head is indeed striking. Thanks for giving some background on the animal.
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
I love him. Great shot
fab RT entry! ^_~.
What a very striking looking bird this is! I love it red bill and its beautiful eyes too.
What a great capture! Amazing colors on that beak! Definitely a superb Ruby Tuesday entry. Thanks for stopping by mine.
Wonderful, love all your photos here on this page and I have enjoyed my visit.
Thanks, everybody. I can see from all these comments that I was not the only one who was struck by this gull's red bill -- and those amazing red legs! ;-}
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