Boot Hill Graveyard
Location: Tombstone, Arizona, USA
In honor of Halloween, I chose a photo of the famous Boothill Graveyard in Tombstone, Arizona for this week's Ruby Tuesday entry. (Note the ruby red car parked outside the fence, heh heh.) I visited the historic town of Tombstone during a trip to Arizona with some friends earlier this year.
Wow, is that real? 1881 didn't seem like a good year, lol.
Yes, it is a real graveyard, in its original location, but the grave markers have been "spruced up" from time to time. If you follow the link in my post, you'll find more info about who is buried there.
I drove through Tombstone regularly many years ago, it always had the air of a tourist trap. Though the old courthouse, now a state museum, was a good visit.
The town motto is "The town too tough to die" I once had a young man working for me who grew up in tombstone, he let me know about the local's second part to the motto... "and too dead to know it"
wow, I can't believe that's a real graveyard hehee, at first I thought it was one of those fake plastic tombstones (lol) I guess not? hahaaa, take care!!
Is this graveyard open to the public at night? I'm from seattle and just moved here and looking for something real to experience for halloween.
@ Andrew - Yep, definitely a tourist town -- replete with people in 'old west' costumes, rides on stagecoaches available, and actors performing a re-creation of the gunfight at the OK Corral several times a day. (We skipped that when we were there -- already saw the movie, heh heh.)
@ Kitty - It's obvious to the visitor that the grave markers are not the originals, although what they say is supposed to be authentic.
@ Anonymous - I have no idea if Boot Hill is open to the public for Halloween night. Sorry.
Dang ok thanks, any idea where i may get more info on events they are having for halloween? I can't seem to find anything.
the little bit of red is perfect
Dear Bobbie,
I've read about the shoot downs in Tombstone. Seen a dozen pictures too.
This picture from the graveyard made it all much more real.
1881 was the birth year of my Swedish granddad. That is not at all so long ago.
Funny how time also gets different perspective with aging.
Hope you still are having a Happy Ruby tuesday.
From Felisol
This is great! So glad the red car parked there, too! :0)
@_@ The wordings on those tombstones are pretty disturbing.
Reading from the comments and knowing it's real...woah~ I'm sure there's a pretty long history of the graveyard.
Love your RT shot. How every appropriate for Halloween. ;-)
I have often read of this location in novels but did not expect to ever see it. Lovely photo with a red Ruby Tuesday signature parked beside it. Happy Ruby Tuesday.
LOL! Wonderfully appropriate shot, Bobbie. I love the fact that we had to LOOK FOR the "ruby" today.
Tink *~*~*
So approperate for Halloween. Spooky graveyard, and imagine someone cares for it keeping it looking nice.It has lots of history.
I went to Tombstone a couple years ago to find some Letterboxes. What a an interesting place. I fell in love with Bisbee, a little farther south from Tombstone.
I like your photo. Happy Halloween!
New Mexico, USA
Ha - that is funny - we just watched the movie Tombstone just a couple nights ago. It was actually pretty good - and to think it was true.
While, as Andrew pointed out, present day Tombstone is as much a tourist attraction as a town, it is a real place with a real and colorful history. It's a very small place, but people do still live there.
I agree with Laughing Orca Ranch that the nearby town of Bisbee has a lot more character as a modern town, and has turned into a bit of an artists' colony. Both are worth a visit if you find yourself in the area southeast of Tucson.
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