Smoke on the Water

Sky Watch Friday

Fire, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, Oct. 2007

Location: Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii

This photo was taken just about a year ago, on the morning of Oct. 28, 2007.  There was a large wildfire in an area a few miles down the coast from where I live.   The smoke plume from the fire wafted out across the ocean, and was visible from my back garden.  The smoke spoiled what had been a beautiful clear blue-sky day.  By the way, in case you are wondering, the fire burned a large area of open land, but there were no injuries, and no houses were burned.

To see more SkyWatch images click here, or click the SkyWatch button at the top of this post.


Louise said...

It did INTERFERE with the beautiful blue, but it's an interesting "cloud."

Andrew Cooper said...

Looks a little nicer from that far away, making for a nice photo. Unfortunately I was a mite bit closer to that fire!

Anonymous said...

Scary but beautiful.

Mary said...

Oh that cloud and scene is awesome!!

ChrissyM said...

how scary and what a horrible fire but it did make for a gorgeous photo though. It did mess up that pretty blue sky a little.

storyteller said...

I’m glad there were no injuries in this fire. Folks in Southern California haven’t been quite so fortunate with fire season. I like the composition of this photo and the purple flowers in the foreground amidst the greenery. My Sky Watch is at Sacred Ruminations ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Brad Myers said...

A beautiful photo, I hope to vacation there next year.

Tink *~*~* said...

The most amazing thing is that it does look like a real rain cloud - you can even see the "rain" on the bottom, extending into the ocean.

We're entering dry season here in SW Florida, and it's during this time that if you smell smoke when you come out of your house, it sets your adrenaline on edge. Many times a wildfire will consume people's homes, and then you find out that some jerk threw their cigarette butt out the window!

I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Tink *~*~*

Barbara Martin said...

The cloud makes the photo quite interesting.

BNS said...

Thanks everyone. Yes, these kinds of wildfires really are dangerous.

@ Andrew - I don't doubt for a minute that this fire was quite a bit more worrisome to people in your community, since this particular wildfire came quite close to Waikoloa . Several communities -- including Kawaihae village and Puako -- had to be evacuated until the fire was brought under control, as I recall.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Wow! That looks like some freaky storm approaching very close to Earth! Great shot!

Arija said...

Great capture with that smoke billowing up so symmetrically.
It looks intresting to look at from a distance, not so much fu to be in the midst of it.

Becky said...

Really different. Glad you weren't any closer.

Anonymous said...

Dramatic image! Not something you usually see or want to happen - but it's a great image!
Cheers, Klaus

Anonymous said...

Still, it's a beautiful shot. If you had not said it was smoke I would have thought it was a cloud.

Pearl Maple said...

Fires might be scary but you sure got some interesting photos out of it. Thanks for sharing.

BNS said...

Thank you all.


Rambling Woods said...

Beautiful and destructive....