Location: Pololū Lookout, Big Island, Hawaii

There is a large section of the northeastern coast of Hawaii's Big Island that is not accessible by road. The area is wild and very rugged. At the northern end of this area, the paved road stops at the top of a place called Pololū Valley. There is a lookout point there, and this is the view. It was a bit cloudy on the day I took this photo, but even on very clear days, the view south often looks a bit misty from sea spray.
The meadow in the foreground of this photo is situated at the top of some sea cliffs. The vertical drop from the seaward edge of that meadow to the ocean is about 400 feet (about 122 meters). It is not unusual to see horses grazing in that meadow.
There is a steep hiking trail that descends into the valley from the place where this photo was taken. At the base of the trail is a black sand beach, although it's not a very safe place to swim due to rough water and strong currents just offshore.
If you could get into a boat at the mouth of Pololū Valley and follow the coast, you would pass by a number of other wild valleys. Eventually you would come to Waipi'o Valley. (If you visited last week for MyWorld, you may remember the photo of Waipi'o Valley that I posted.)
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Oh that is beautiful. A vacation on photo.
Horses grazing, green meadows, blue sea, misty, sunny skies, rugged cliffs, black sand beaches.....
Such beauty your world is.
Thanks for a view of your world today,
New Mexico, USA
Bobbie: Oh my, that is a steep drop. I can see it from the cliffs on up the shore on this level.
It must be very interesting to live somewhere people dream of going. You give a great perspective of it.
Itis a spectacular site.
Gorgeous cliffs! What a lush world.
400 ft steep fall! Beautiful place, though a little scary.
One of the things I loved about Hawaii was how lush and green it was everywhere. This is another beautiful photo of another place I'd like to see one day. And I love to see that black sand and see it between my black toes.
;-) LOL!
Lovely part of the world where you are. Happy Tuesday.
Excellent post!
What a beauty and ruggedness!
This looks like an amazing hiking location as well.
I m adding you to my blogroll so that I can follow your blog better...Thomas
Gorgeous photo!
Great volcanic coastline. Love the hazy atmosphere.
That's a beautiful shot. What a fabulous world you live in.
Nice view, even if it was foggy... I'd love to be there... Great shot of that pineapple too..
lovely shot of the coastline...
thank you for sharing a bit of your world with all of us.
have a wonderful week.
Beautiful pic. I visited Hawaii in 2001 and can't wait to get back there again.
Beautiful seaside World.
Oh, wow - great view, great photo. I love exploring the valleys of the islands as well as the shore.
How beautiful--you're so lucky!
Thank you for sharing such lovely photos on your blog: I'm enjoying the visit very much!
I love this place. I especially love it that it is difficult to get to. Beautiful photo. Wonderful post!
What a gorgeous photo. I like the shades of blue and gray.
looks like a nice picnic place :)
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